Friday, June 29, 2012

What Color Is Your Advertising? How Color principles Can Make Your Marketing More productive

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If you're planning a marketing or advertising campaign, color is sure to play a key role in the success of your venture. After all, it's pretty much the first thing your consumers will notice*, production color your best - and sometimes only - chance to get a message across.

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How is What Color Is Your Advertising? How Color principles Can Make Your Marketing More productive

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Use of color in most design for marketing and advertising is dictated by certain certain requirements; the need to reflect a exact brand, as well as the attempt to divulge a certain mood dictated by the goods itself.

Company branding is pretty easy - exact colors dictated by logos and other devices will need to be incorporated into at least part of your design. It's the selection of color project for conveying the 'personality' of a goods that's often a lot harder to come up with.

Sometimes the decision is partly intuitive - most population understand even at a very basic level that bright, saturated colors will convey a dissimilar kind of mood to neutral grays or browns. Experienced designers, of course, go additional still, selecting and implementing colors on the basis of their effectiveness in the broad design. Here, the guidelines of traditional color law often come into play as a kind of balancing act to ensure that all parts work together well and that the right kind of colors are used.

But what if some colors are authentically more right than others?

We're about to embark on an exploration of color linked not just to its use in layout, but rather, the psychological and physical impact it's likely to have on a viewer.

A big, and sometimes controversial undertaking, and we'll first need to get a integrate of things straight. While population often talk about a psychology of color, in reality, most psychologists would find fault with the accuracy of this term. This is because the significance given to assorted colors isn't universal and unchanging - in many ways it's quite the opposite: assorted cultures quite often connect the same color with very dissimilar emotions and ideas.*

Yet colors and their basic fabric of sociological and historical connotation authentically do furnish exact reactions in particular contexts - emotions, associations and even physical effects that can help advertisers in their quest for ever more strict targeting.

And if this all sounds a bit hokey, at the very least, the idea that color can actively sway consumers shouldn't be disregarded entirely. So let's take a look at what colors seem to be telling us.


Red, the most vibrant and powerful of colors, seems like a good place to start. Particularly since studies have shown that it's the first color babies recognize, and one that continues to appeal to most population throughout their childhood and into their adult lives.

At a purely symbolic level, it's the color of fire and blood, an association that's coarse to all cultures and therefore very powerful. Less specifically, it's a color that seems to be linked with energy, war, danger and power, not to mention passion, desire, and love.

So what does that mean for marketing?

To start with, some of these associations are so deeply ingrained that it wouldn't be wise to use a color other than red to narrate certain states. Try depicting ultimate emotions such as violence or passion with shades of blue and you're going to run into problems.

What's more, it has been shown that in its brighter variations (tomato, pillar-box), red authentically provokes a physical response by raising respiration rate and blood pressure.

For this reason, its use in 'sexy' advertising scenarios or as an erotically expensed statement (on lips or fingernails) should quite authentically set hearts beating faster - and unusually, it's regarded as equally arousing by men and women.

Whether the physiological 'red effect' occurs plainly as a effect of its associations; or because the color itself somehow provokes such a response; or, if, indeed, this effect relies on a mixture of the two isn't something that necessarily matters here. What is important is that red, like virtually every other color, exerts a measurable sway on the consumer.

More about the 'red effect'

Quite apart from any physical reactions it might provoke, red's association with force, and therefore power, is an very dominant one. Think all the small details in our daily lives that reserve this notion: red icons on switches to indicate their 'on' state, the plastic coating on 'live' wires, the tiny red glow that tells us an electrical appliance is working.

All of which makes red an ideal color to suggest fast-moving activity or ultimate force - examples of products that might fall into this kind include computer games, action-adventure books or movies.

This deep-rooted association with power, coupled with the fact that it authentically raises metabolic speed, also makes red a good candidate for any goods that seeks to divulge the idea of improvement, rapidity or physical change. Just a few of many potential examples include anyone linked to sport or speed (think of those red sports cars), power drinks, self-help guides, or batteries. Even 'fast-acting' or 'powerful' over-the-counter drugs can reserve their status with at least a dash of red.

Perhaps as a effect of all that heavy breathing, red also increases appetite, production it an exquisite selection for advertising food (it's popularly claimed that Chinese restaurants often use red color schemes for this reason, but there's slight truth in this - red plainly happens to be a very beloved and 'lucky' color in Chinese culture).

However, if enticing diners to eat heartily is something you're aiming to do, an all-red environment is a good way to get stomachs rumbling.


Although it derives from red, pink has slight of its big brother's forceful qualities. In fact, although it's commonly perceived as a warm and fairly upbeat color, it is, of course, popularly linked with femininity and even passivity. A cliche, perhaps, but its vigor-reducing credit has again been shown to have some basis in fact.

Famously, a shade of bubble-gum pink used in certain cells in a men's prison was unexpectedly found to placate aggressive inmates. Research corroborated the fact that pink did authentically have important calming qualities - although subsequent study revealed that after a certain time these effects were dramatically reversed as prisoners became more agitated and aggressive than before. (Surprised? You try living in a bubble gum pink environment).

Nevertheless, the fact that pink does induce at least a temporary sensation of calm makes it a powerful factor in the color-coordinated approach to advertising. Its peaceful, relaxing qualities and general evocation of relieve and softness have long made it a beloved for items such as toilet paper, cotton wool and 'gentle on the skin' toiletries, especially baby lotions.

This association could perhaps be explored additional as a background or accent color for items where relieve is key, such as bedding, sofas or carpets. Apply with caution, any way - the strong association with femininity means that anyone 'too' pink is likely to be snubbed by men.

There's one other area in which pink has an enchanting effect, any way - and one that's far less likely to alienate males. It's well known that a high concentration of color in foodstuffs will lead consumers to believe they're tastier, or even identify a flavor that isn't authentically present.* And pink coloring is a particularly productive way of suggesting sweetness.

This may divulge to the fact that it's often used as a coloring in candies, but anyone the case, the association is powerful sufficient to substantially increase a food's perceived sugariness or even depth of flavor. Pink sprinkles or toppings will add oomph to vanilla ice cream, and pink marshmallows are often assumed to be sweeter than white ones (they aren't).

Although in these health-conscious times sweet, sugary foods have lost much of their popularity, the marketing of certain products is still likely to advantage from a slight pink-appeal: feel-good desserts, ice creams, shakes and authentically artificial sweeteners. It's also a color that could be used to make sugar-free, healthier foods seem more enticing to kids - as long as Mom and Dad are able to see through the ruse themselves.


Occurring plainly as a sign of plant increase and renewal, green is one of those colors that's universally seen as positive, fresh and fertile. It's also a color that, once again, produces noticeable physical effects. It's the easiest color for the eye to assimilate and therefore one of the most relaxing; it induces feelings of calm and restfulness, and can even improve vision. In short, it's a very certain color indeed.

This emphasis on nature, freshness and renewal means that it's ordinarily used to emphasize the cleansing, 'regenerative' aspect of household items such as bleaches, detergents, air fresheners. But if you notice a certain irony in this, well-spotted, because green, of course, has steadily evolved into the sticker of all that's ecologically aware. Which isn't a label that applies to most cleaning products.

The broad acceptance of 'green' in its current sense is authentically a fairly recent phenomenon*, but with addition focus on ecological issues it's very powerful and will only gain in strength. So much so, in fact, that real care needs to be taken now that use of green doesn't suggest a goods is all-natural, organic or additive-free if it isn't. Congruity in advertising - or the belief that what's implied about a goods should be supported by its reality - is one of the most vital aspects of marketing. Get this wrong, and there's no consumer forgiveness.

Yet despite green requiring caution in advertising, its current associations have equally led to opportunities for more refined targeting. Wholesome, healthy food items are likely to be fast identified as such through noted use of green, and the same can be said for products or services linked with any type of healing, spirituality, or personal growth: yoga, slimming programs, alternative medicines.

Different greens, dissimilar meanings

Green is a symbolically complex color, and particular shades forward subtly dissimilar messages. Darker greens - the first-rate color of bank-notes and bills - have long held an association with finance. The added implication of increase and fertility therefore makes green a good selection for promotion of many financial products, particularly recovery schemes, pensions and insurance plans.

Lime greens, which emerged as beloved trend color in the '90s, denote an especially vibrant freshness due to their close association to effervescent yellows. As such, they make exquisite keynote colors for fresh, healthy, energy-inducing products such as juices, tonics, vitamin supplements and power drinks.

Finally, a additional modern-day association with green stems from its use in traffic systems to signify 'go'. This link with movement, forward appeal and vehicles make it a potentially good selection for anyone linked to transport: carriers, train networks, buses. And for online advertising, try using green for buttons or links you'd particularly like clicked - you're roughly enchanting a user to go ahead and do so.


Blue is by far the world's most beloved color. And as one that, like green, occurs in nature - the hue of skies, water and sea - it's not surprising that it's so well loved. With such universal associations and broad appeal, blue is an important asset to any color theorist.

Unlike very warm colors, which provoke impulsive, passionate responses, blue is a cerebral color that's ordinarily linked with clear thinking and intellect. For good reason, too, as its use in offices and workplaces has been shown to dramatically increase productivity and a sense of well-being. perhaps more surprisingly, other studies indicate that blue can even improve physical prowess - weight-lifters typically achieve good in blue surroundings. However, this is probably a secondary effect of its capability to edge concentration.

This association with clear belief and precision make blue a good selection for anyone enchanting a high degree of complex manufacture, such as computing products, electronic goods or hi-tech appliances in general. Darker blues emphasize this association even further, and their broad appeal among men contribute a exquisite keynote for high-end, precision-made items with a masculine focus - costly cars, bespoke tailoring, luxury grooming products.

Given such a setting, it's no real surprise whether that blue emerges as a clear beloved in the corporate world. Its implication of steadiness and surmise continue to make it an productive selection for much enterprise branding, although its white collar associations can also suggest stuffiness and conservatism.

In its lighter, brighter shades, blue loses much of its cool aloofness and takes on happier, sparkling and spontaneous overtones. The pure and natural aspect of such blues convey a sense of cleanliness and freshness and are often used for cleaning products, detergents, deodorants and toothpastes.

Bright blue is also an certain selection for the typical vacation. Evocative of cloudless skies and enchanting pools or seas, it also gives a enchanting taste of tranquility and free time by slowing down the metabolism and producing feelings of calm and well-being. A powerful message indeed, and one that makes blue an equally productive selection for condition spas, beauty clinics and any other aid where deep free time or therapy is a key selling point.

In fact, blue is such a flexible and well-liked color that it's roughly impossible to mis-use - with one major exception.

Foods, particularly meats, dairy products and staples such as pasta or rice, authentically don't advantage from any kind of association with blue. To start with, that drop in metabolism will authentically cut the appetite; but this doesn't elucidate the fact that a blue/food combo can even induce feelings of nausea. (Try it. Add a slight coloring to pasta, white sauce, or even better, light-fleshed meat such as pork or chicken. See how far you get before pushing your plate to one side).

It's been suggested that we instinctively connect the color with something that's rotten and unsafe to eat, but anyone the case, it's not a great selection for marketing a ready-meal. And if you find yourself running low at your next dinner party, bring out the blue plates. There won't be many requests for second helpings.


Yellow is clearly vibrant, energetic and fun - it's the color of sunshine, flame and fire and is intimately linked with warmth, happiness and the certain power such states create. It produces physical responses that are perfectly in holding with this reading, too; an instant feeling of well-being along with a noticeable boost to thinking activity.

For this reason, it's a color that effectively communicates the nature of products linked with vitality and stimulus, such as power drinks, sports equipment, vitamin supplements or remedies. And as the exquisite feel-good color, it's a great selection too for promoting group free time activities, clubs and group networks.

Visually, yellow has a high impact that's hard to ignore, a fact reflected in its use for items such as sticky notes and highlighter inks. Since it demonstrably sharpens attention, too (back to the notes and highlighter pens!) it's worth considering lighter yellows as a background for large amounts of text, especially copy that requires close concentration such as tutorials, instructions, or rules and regulations.

Yellow does requires a certain number of care, however. Very light yellows can often appear drab, especially on-screen, while brighter shades tend to become overpowering.

The yellow effect is an intense one, and its enervating qualities can fast put population on edge. Yellow rooms make babies cry more, and they also provoke hot tempers and arguments. And finally, while it's a color that can be used to store most products to women - from washing up gloves to costly scents - men are far less likely to appreciate its use with costly or luxury goods.


Pristine and pure, white appropriately signifies cleanliness, spiritual condition and, of course, clarity N �����ัดเจน in most cultures. It's thought about a non-color to which nothing has been added, production it an ideal selection for products wanting to accentuate their unadulterated, un-tampered with goodness: no-frills items, reduced fat, low-sugar or no-additive foods, pure juices, skin-care products.

White is also the first-rate 'clean' color, providing the easiest way to add a sense of uncluttered spaciousness to print or screen graphics. Yet its association with cleanliness and hygiene (white clearly shows dirt so is ordinarily used in hospitals, for example) lends it a certain clinical capability that can deprive a marketing message of warmth or even context. For this reason, it's best used with an accent color to integrate the best of two worlds - the visual clarity of white and the emotional resonance of a thought about chosen highlight.

Remember, too, that on-screen, the mixture of light-filled white with black text is fairly hard on the eye. Try selecting a tinted background for large quantities of copy (yellow is often a good choice, as mentioned above) or convert the color of the text itself.


Although in western culture the color black authentically holds some negative linguistic connotations (black magic, black market) it's also very authentically linked with authority, credit and exclusivity (black tie event, black credit card, black mercedes).

A slightly confusing message, but in general, black can be used very effectively to denote cool sophistication and a powerful sense of ultimate luxury or expense.

Pair this with the fact that visually, it's a color that creates a real sense of depth while also focusing the concentration more fully than white, and black makes an ideal backdrop for images of luxury goods or services such as high-end hotels. Men seem to riposte particularly well to such a mixture - perhaps because it's also been shown that for guys, black is a color with marked erotic overtones (combine it with red and you're onto a testerone-charged winner that's bound to attract male attention!)

Black is also by far the most coarse text color; exquisite in print, although on-screen the incompatibility with white can often seem harsh. A good tip is to Think using a very dark gray instead. And colored text against a black background is rarely a good idea except in small areas, as black backgrounds diminish readability and will fast tire viewers.


With Its mixture of energetic reds and feel-good yellows, orange is a color that's clearly suggestive of fun, warmth and pleasure. And like its constituents, orange exerts an invigorating effect by addition oxygen to the brain and stimulating thinking activity. It's therefore an exquisite selection for any goods linked with power and vigor, such as sporting tool or services, adventure holidays, theme park rides, power drinks.

Think you've read something like this before? Well in fact, orange can divulge very similar messages to red, but importantly, without its slightly aggressive edge.

Of all the colors, orange is also the best at stimulating appetite. So good in fact, that you may notice a lot of it in the snack or candy shelves near a checkout. Strategic thinking, because the orange capability to originate sudden hunger pangs will often lead to impulse purchases.

Yet orange, particularly in its brighter shades, is also a color that's perceived as lacking prestige. perhaps this is because its high visibility means it's a frequent factor in motel signs, fast food outlets and similar 'low-frills' businesses, but anyone the reasons, it's a color that's become linked with lower-budget options and shouldn't be used extensively for products wanting to divulge a high capability message. (The opposite also holds true, however, production it a very good selection to indicate value for money, savings and discounts).


Mysterious, alluring, and very definitely regal, purple is a relatively uncommon color in nature. In the old world, its scarcity meant that it was very valued, and rare, costly purple dyes were used exclusively by nobility.

This association with wealth and credit remains to this day, production purple, especially in its darker shades, an exquisite complement to luxury items.

In fact, the association with cost is so strong that it can even be used to add a touch of instant class to cheaper products. For example, a bus enterprise using purple livery would roughly authentically be perceived as more luxurious than one using orange. The risk here, though, is that the consumer's perception of comparative price might also rise accordingly - even if fares are identical.

Purple secrets

Purple also has some enchanting inexpressive talents. It's been noted, for instance, that many women find it an very erotic color, production it the female equivalent of the guys' libido-enhancing black.

In fact, purple turns out to be a very girly color authentically - far more so than pink, the usual suspect. It's a exact hit surrounded by young and adolescent girls for example, with some studies claiming that roughly 75% rate it their beloved color. So while men seem fairly neutral about purple, if you're seeing for a color that speaks directly to the ladies, this may well be the one to choose.


And what about the guys? Well if you tried to guess, chances are you'd get it right. Brown, along with blue, is consistently voted a beloved color by men. And why not? Solid, earthy, dependable; it might lack the zing of the brighter primaries, but it resonates with a sense of trustworthiness and dependability. And if that's the kind of message you're seeing to add to your marketing strategy, brown is often the right color to convey it - especially of course, if the product's aimed specifically at males.

An enchanting off-shoot of all this earnestness is the fact that brown is often claimed to be a very 'believable' color, too. In other words, it's more likely to add credibility to an advertising message - an important factor if your transportation makes claims that may seem extravagant.

Bear in mind though, that if used too extensively brown can also have a stodgy, dampening effect. And anyone message your marketing is ultimately trying to convey, its main purpose is to stimulate sufficient visual interest to attract and excite instant attention.

But even in this respect, brown turns out to be pretty dependable: it authentically converts into lighter and darker shades without losing depth, and can also be mixed with more dynamic colors - reds, yellows, oranges for a much more upbeat feel. So use the color recommendations given here to spice up a brown accordingly.

Planning an ad for well-made, hard-wearing, yet sporty gear for guys? Brown combined with a hint of red should give just the right message.


* While images are ordinarily more noticeable than flat blocks of color, they are, of course, commonly dominated by a particular color in order to improve and reserve an broad layout.

* One example would be the use of white clothing to signify mourning in India and many parts of Asia. In this description I'm focusing on color in the context of western culture.

* Numerous studies have shown that higher levels of coloring in food or drinks leads to the trust that they are stronger in taste than identical items with less color. Assumptions about color-taste correlation can even cause errors when identifying flavor; for example, a cherry-flavored drink colored purple may well be identified as grape.

* The color green has long been a sticker of ecologically motivated political parties and movements, but it's only in recent years that this meaning has become fully mainstream through broad media emphasis on global warming and other ecological issues.

* Oddly enough, red in this context don't seem to provoke a 'stop' response and will also work well for buttons, particularly if a quick decision is required. Green, however, will all the time be perceived as a less risky click.


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