Thursday, June 28, 2012

Holistic Healthcare versus primary Western treatment

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Do you know about - Holistic Healthcare versus primary Western treatment

American Physical Therapy Association! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The Western rehabilitation society recently asked the question: Will Alternative Healthcare, a.k.a. Holistic, Metaphysical, power or Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Western rehabilitation (Wm) merge? This question implies there is guess to wonder and/or we need to think the benefits a merger might create. The consideration of merging Holistic, Metaphysical, power or Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Western rehabilitation is analogues to comparing apples to oranges. The only comparison in the middle of apples and oranges is that they are both fruit--but the comparison ends there. Holistic, Metaphysical, power or Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Western rehabilitation is diametrically polar opposites with nothing in common, except the branch (you). I will explain.

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How is Holistic Healthcare versus primary Western treatment

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In order to understand the ideology of Western Medicine, you need to examine the language used by doctors and researchers. Their selection of words reveals their reliance systems and the models they use to understand the way they think healing works. When observing the state of Western rehabilitation and the unprecedented influence of pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter (Otc) drugs, an captivating paradox arises. The drug associates claim that pharmaceuticals and Otc can do wonders for people: lower cholesterol, end clinical depression, reverse osteoporosis, eliminate allergies, cure cancer, cure Ms, calm children and many other similar promises.

If designate or Otc drugs are so good for people, where are all the wholesome medicated customers? The truth is, there aren't, any. There's nobody taking twelve prescriptions or Otc drugs with a clean bill of health. In fact, the more prescriptions a someone takes, the worse their wide health. And if you approach the healthiest citizen you can find and ask what designate drugs or Otc drugs they're taking in order to be so healthy, they'll give you a confused look: wholesome citizen don't take designate or Otc drugs!

This sort of language is not uncommon from researchers in Western Medicine. They comprehend the human body as a battleground on which wars are waged against invaders (viruses, bacterial infections and tumors). Starting with the Victorian era, Western society has come to be addicted to quick fixes and results with no effort. Western rehabilitation has in some instances in case,granted this result. When Western rehabilitation doesn't furnish a 'quick fix' ensue the sass is: "Sorry, it couldn't be helped--the surgery was a success, the patient died." It is captivating to note the Ama reports a dismal success rate--approximately 250,000 citizen die each year due to misdiagnosis and/or the rehabilitation does dinky or nothing to improve the person's health. In other words these citizen didn't die due to an illness they died due to the wrong treatment.

Western Medicine's theory and doctrines fail to recognize that diseases are not isolate from the person. In fact every disease can be more accurately called an expression of the patient's lifestyle, beliefs, and energies. Cancer is not a tumor, for example: it is a systemic disorder that can only truly be cured by helping to sustain the body, not by attacking it with chemical bombs or knives. The tumor is merely one corporeal expression of the systemic disorder, and naturally removing the tumor does nothing to cure the disease. The body is designed to heal itself--given it has the proper care--nutrition, herbal supplements, spiritual and emotional well-being.

The body is designed to heal itself in case,granted it has the proper sustain to do its job. Customary Chinese rehabilitation (Tcm) is based on a notion of balanced qi (pronounced "chee"), or vital energy, that is believed to flow throughout the body. Qi is proposed to regulate a person's spiritual, emotional, mental, and corporeal balance and to be influenced by the opposing troops of yin (negative energy) and yang (positive energy). Disease is proposed to ensue from the flow of qi being disrupted and yin and yang becoming imbalanced. Among the components of Tcm are herbal and nutritional therapy, corrective corporeal exercises, meditation, acupuncture, and corrective massage.

Holistic, Metaphysical, power or Mind, Body, Spirit healing has existed since the Starting of time amid religious beliefs and practices, along with the mystery, superstition, fear, and misunderstanding. Holistic healing is now becoming recognized regardless of what whatever chooses to believe or think. Ask approximately whatever about their spiritual well-being and they will probably tell you, "Yeah, I am a spiritual person, I go to church frequently." Therein, the blurring arises out of the association of healing with religion. The majority of people, including religious leaders, do not understand the difference.

Definition: "Heal" 1. To restore to condition or soundness, 2. To set right, repair, 3. To restore a someone to spiritual wholeness, 4. To come to be whole and sound, to return to health.

Definition: "Spirit" 1. The vital principle or animating force within living beings, Incorporeal consciousness. There are about twelve more elaborations mostly to do with assorted religious implications.

Definition: "Religion" 1. reliance in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe, 2. A set of beliefs, values and practices based on the teachings of a religious doctrine.

Thus, based on Western Medicine's tasteless interpretations of how things 'Are', many paradoxes are created. The resultant ensue is blurring and un-wellness. The Truth, as Carl Jung and others have considered worded in their writing, is this: Every Thing in the universe is power and Consciousness. How whatever thinks or feels about that Fact cannot convert it. The purpose of All religions is the recognition that humans have a part of themselves that is not corporeal and there is a need to examine and touch this aspect of themselves. Part of the intent is to examine one's purpose and to live in the best way possible. Someone else part of that goal also includes the attainment of Truth and Spiritual Wellness. However, the ensue of religious teachings with regard to our Spiritual condition has been an abysmal failure. If the most foremost aspect of our being is our Spiritual self, and it has been neglected, it is a miracle we have existed this long.

Many churches are in a state of extreme blurring in an endeavor to avoid accepting the "Truth." The greatest struggle is how to combine all the now known knowledge and assimilate it into the religious dogma and theology. The qoute is the impossibility of reconciling the inescapable flaws in most theology and doctrine. The inescapable shortcomings and how political and nationalistic and other extra interests and agendas have resulted in a history filled with disappointment, tragedy, blurring and religious wars.

In many cultures it has all the time been notion and/or known that we are spiritual beings, the biggest exception is in western advanced cultures that we believe we are citizen who happen to have a soul. Eastern religious doctrine believes we are a soul first, housed in this thing called a 'body.' The most beautiful and straightforward interpretation of how all 'Is' can be found in the Native American tradition. "Everything in the universe is Spirit, each thing in it is of the same Spirit and it is all Connected." This is exactly what we are Starting to understand in science and portion physics, that all in the universe is made of the same thing and has a consciousness about it. The two things that frustrate scientists the most is the fact that all these
things operate across time, space and dimensions they do not yet understand, and the potential of things to operate on inter-dimensional and multi-dimensional levels. A high degree of new comprehension about the science and physics of what spiritual indeed means is now mostly arrival from independent researchers. High-tech and aerospace study physicists and scientists, all seem to have a more brief and strict comprehension of Spirit and the Spiritual than those from a theological background.

The Reality and The Truth of Spirit--In plain language, there is only One God or Universal power that Is Everything. There is only One Consciousness. We are only one individuated expression of The One. All the dogma, theology and religious beliefs whatever chooses to pile on this truth is generally referred to as Bunk. It is the lack of true knowledge and the application of these distortions, which have been the source of all emotional, corporeal and spiritual problems. Spirit is alive, it is something that is lived and experienced, the surest way to destroy or suppress it is to organize it and institutionalize it.

Spiritual Experiences teach us: all we think or feel affects oneself and others. We need to comprehend every feeling--anger, fear, hate, sadness, judgment--are mind generated emotions and need to be modified or eliminated. Left to fester--anger, fear, hate, sadness, judgment, creates corporeal reactions. For every corporeal reaction, a.k.a. Symptoms--i.e. Colds, cancer, Ms, and all from A to Z, there is a direct link to mind generated emotions. When these mind generated emotions are eliminated and the wounds created from long term and dysfunctional expressions are healed, the corporeal manifestation labeled as illness by Western rehabilitation is eliminated.

The lowest line is condition and Well-Being is affected by two factions--Doctors and Ministers. Doctors are trained as mechanics who work on the corporeal mechanism. They are in the enterprise of "Treatment." They are Not Trained in the "Art of Healing". Most doctors do not even understand the most rudimentary concepts of Healing. Most do not comprehend how they can furnish damage and even induce death sentences on their patients.

There is dinky dissimilarity in the effects produced by an intentional damaging curse or a prayer prayed improperly, bad advice or naturally some random negative thought. Ministers are trained in Customary theosophical dogmatic perceptions specific to the cultural religious views they ascribe to. Most citizen have dinky notion about True Spirituality or how the universe indeed operates. As a consequence they convey misinformation, half-truths, superstitions and fears along with a multitude of related damaging information into a person's consciousness. The ensue of which is blurring and Paradox--which leads to distress, disease and un-wellness.

Both the good in our lives and the dis-eases we have are the results of our experiences, conditioning and beliefs. It is the experiences, conditioning and beliefs that are counter to our true nature that causes the damage. No matter how dire a client's predicament seems to be, I Know if they are 'Willing' to do the emotional and spiritual work of releasing old habits, beliefs and forgiving, all can be healed. The word 'incurable' used by Western rehabilitation indeed only means that the someone can not be 'cured' by 'outer' methods and that they must Go Within to ensue their healing. The condition was created as a way to cope--it came from within and can be healed from within. Reference: Heal Your Body, Louise L. Hay

Since Holistic/Metaphysical Healthcare focuses on supporting the Mind, Body, Spirit to heal itself as it is designed to do and Western rehabilitation perceives the human body as a battleground on which wars are waged with chemical bombs and scalpels against invaders, how can these divergent ideologies be merged?

The answer: They can't be--i.e. Water and vinegar doesn't mix--it is metaphysically impossible. Likewise, it is metaphysically impossible to merge Holistic, Metaphysical, power or Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Western Medicine. whatever who would think such a merger does not understand the laws of Holistic, Metaphysical, power or Mind, Body, Spirit healing.

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