Monday, June 18, 2012

A High Blood Pressure narrative - 4 Facts and 3 Therapies You Need to Know

American Physical Therapy Association - A High Blood Pressure narrative - 4 Facts and 3 Therapies You Need to Know
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination A High Blood Pressure narrative - 4 Facts and 3 Therapies You Need to Know. And the content associated with American Physical Therapy Association.

Do you know about - A High Blood Pressure narrative - 4 Facts and 3 Therapies You Need to Know

American Physical Therapy Association! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Every high blood pressure report will tell you that this condition is endemic in the United States. It is responsible for

Fact 1

The American Heart relationship estimates that there are over 70 million Americans with high blood pressure (above 120/80). Of those with the condition, one third do not know they have it because they have not had their pressure read by a healing professional. Of the two thirds that do know they have Hpp, nearly a third do nothing to control it.

Fact 2

Hbp directly kills 50,000 people each year. In addition, high blood pressure contributes to another 300,000 deaths each year.

Fact 3

Hbp has no outward symptoms. This condition can take years to do the damage. If you don't know you have it, the first "symptom" may very well be a stroke, loss of sight, heart charge or kidney failure. Hbp has authentically earned its' nickname "The Silent Killer."

Fact 4

The cause of Hbp is unknown. It appears however, to be a natural response to distinct behavior. If you feed the body the wrong fuel (diet), fail to exercise it (sedentary life style) and place continuous stress on it; it will acknowledge by allowing increased oxidation, a stiffening of all blood vessels, a weakening of the heart muscle and the creation of blockages in the interior blood vessel walls. This in turn starves the cells of nutrients and oxygen killing off cells and causing organ dysfunction.

That's the bad news.

The good news is there is a 90% opening of reversing the condition plainly by reversing the behavior that created it.

Therapy 1

Obesity and sedentary lifestyle are known contributors to high blood pressure. While a diet can help in reducing weight, the real value of a blood pressure diet is reversing the habit of eating too much salt, fatty acids and cholesterol. A Hbp diet focuses on fresh food that delivers the vitamins and minerals we need, and also is packed with antioxidants that reverse the damage done to the blood vessels. You have to feed the body the fuel it was designed to run on, not an adulterated substitute as many convenience foods do.

Therapy 2

Diet is leading but so is exercise. Like it or not, we are designed to be more active than we are. Technology has made our lives far less corporal than our grandparents and their lives were less corporal than their grandparents. Our bodies have not yet evolved to accommodate this reduced level of activity and still requires daily corporal activity. Thirty minutes of mild aerobic activity like walking or cycling is the fastest known way to lower blood pressure.

Therapy 3

Stress is a constant in our lives. The fight or flight response is part of our natural makeup. It views all types of stress as a threat and kicks in with the output of chemicals to get our body ready to fight or run. This includes telling the heart to pump more blood increasing pressure. Because we do neither, the effects of the response take far longer to burn off.

Exercise and sleep are two perfect ways to sacrifice the ill affects of stress. Diet can support by minimizing substances like caffeine and nicotine which tend to elevate pressure.

It's leading to note that these three approaches must be used in unison. No singular coming can cure the condition. Any way together, you can authentically sacrifice your pressure by 20 points in two to three weeks.

.20 of every condition care dollar spent. It is also 90% preventable and reversible. Why then is the disease so widespread? Here are a few facts and observations.

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