Monday, July 30, 2012

Literature relate For Nursing Stress Interventions

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Stress is a customary and identified problem within the nursing profession. Agreeing to Atkinson stress occurs when one is faced with events or encounters that they realize as an endangerment to their corporeal or psychological well being (as sited in McGowan, 2001). Additionally stress levels will increase when controllability and predictability in a situation decrease. There is an inverse relationship between stress and job satisfaction, as stress goes up, job pleasure falls. As a ensue this increased stress could ordinarily results in decreased job pleasure and decreased potential of life. This could potentially contribute to nurses leaving the profession and as an end consequence, inventory for the current nursing shortage.

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How is Literature relate For Nursing Stress Interventions

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The cause of stress for nurses has found to be connected to the nature of the profession. Included in these stressors are an intense work environment with extended work hours, weekends, night and holidays. Agreeing to Ruggiero (2003) stress could be connected to variables of shift work, which is both physically and mentally taxing. This study also found varying degrees of depression in nurses fluctuating from mild to severe. Ultimately this study revealed that nurses were indifferent and disconnected to the job by feeling neither satisfied or unsatisfied with the work. Results such as these expose how large a problem stress is for the profession of nursing.

Factors of the intense emotional sustain that is needed for the patient and house is yet an additional one burden of stress located on nurse. In addition, exposures to pain, suffering and traumatic life events that the nurse experience on a daily basis can contribute to stress (Cohen-Katz, Capuano, Baker, & Shapiro, 2005). These concerns can lead to emotional exhaustion for nurses.

The lack of organizational sustain and involvement, which are outside of the control of nurses can greatly work on job pleasure (McGowan, 2001). There is also a lack of control and power in an environment predominantly controlled by physicians. These stressors can contribute to psychological exhaustion and increased stress.

Consequently this leads to the request of what supportive interventions have been implemented for nurse, to decrease their stress thereby increasing their coping mechanisms. Would the availability of stress reducing programs contribute to coping mechanism and increase job satisfaction? Additionally how effective are these interventions?

In my first search for stress interventions I encountered many studies located in the Ovid database that site stress in nursing and other connected condition care field. Key words such as stress management, burnout, job satisfaction, nursing retention, potential of life, environment and alternative therapies were utilized for this search. These studies revealed definitions of stress and countless and varied causes and explanations for the stress experienced by nurses and other condition care workers.

There were comparative studies between dissimilar nursing backgrounds and environment. For example medical-surgical nursing verses home-health nursing (Salmond & Ropis, 2005), which examined and compared the differences in both backgrounds. Ultimately it found both areas of convention had their own version of stress and it identified base stressors. Unfortunately no concrete measures were utilized to combat the problem

There were also illustrations comparing dissimilar styles of administration and how nursing stress is affected. Magnet organizations were compared with primary assosication (Upenieks, 2003). The results of this single study did prove that safe bet and supportive administration could make a dissimilarity in the levels of stress but again no exact stress intervention measures were used

There is a clear recognition and acknowledgement of the problem of stress in nursing but there is a valuable lack of information that well addressed the problem with potential safe bet interventions. The few studies discovered were all found to show safe bet results to some degree. These findings sustain the safe bet outcome that the initiation of actual stress interventions or programs within the workplace can offer.

The first study used the corporeal intervention of massage therapy over a 5 week duration for nurses in a hospital premise (Bost & Wallis, 2006). This intervention was identified to cut stress as well as sustain nurses individually and organizationally. The effects measured were corporeal and psychological. The study found no change in the corporeal findings of blood pressure and urinary cortisol levels, however there was decrease in the State-Trait Anxiety inventory (Stai) in the rehabilitation group compared to the control group. Although there was no corporeal benefits measured it did cut the psychological effects of stress. These results recommend that contribution the intervention of massage therapy is beneficial in decreasing anxiety levels, which in turn could cut stress.

The other interventions researched complicated a more interactive process. These studies called upon the motivation of the participants or nurses to take part in the intervention. The involvement of these nurse participants supports a need to decrease stress by their desire to help in production changes internally that will work on them externally.

The use of mantra to comfort stress was one of these interventions. This examined the effectiveness of using a mantra or repeated mantra to work on the level of stress and emotional and spiritual well being. Mantra utilization was taught to condition care workers through a 5-part intervention agenda offered through the hospital prior to the study (Bormann et al., 2006). This is a good example of a valid and tangible intervention that can be offered to increase coping mechanism while decreasing stress. The findings supported the safe bet results of this study by showing a valuable discount in perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale), trait anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), and trait anger (State-Trait Anger Inventory) post intervention. There was also an increase in potential of life and existential and total spiritual well-being.

Mindfulness-Based Stress discount (Mbsr) agenda was a series of quantitative and qualitative studies offered and taught within the hospital work environment. This agenda specifically addressed the issue of stress for nurses. Mbsr is based on the concept of becoming mindful and fully gift in the occasion without judgment (Cohen-Katz et al., 2005). The study measured levels of burnout, emotional exhaustion, emotional overextension and psychological distress.

This single intervention agenda not only decreased the stress level post rehabilitation but the control group also experienced a benefit prior to rehabilitation while waiting for the program. This could be connected to the desire to cut stress in expectation of participating in the program. This additional sustain the need nurses have to make changes for the great by decreasing stress levels.

This Mbsr study again found a discount in emotional exhaustion and an increased feeling of personal accomplishment in the rehabilitation group post intervention. Furthermore these effects led to a decrease in stress that had a chronic work on over a three-month period. This validates the safe bet effects of the use of this intervention in the discount of stress.

A third safe bet interactive intervention study was a program, which offered a conflict-management training class in order to decrease potential stress for employees in condition care organizations. This single study also supported the need to offer a way to preclude or decrease stress by creating a safe bet environment through personal empowerment. There was a valuable discount pretest and posttest in role overload, interpersonal strain, role boundaries and psychological strain. The participants reported that they were great able to find equilibrium in their position and were able to administrate the demands of their job (Haraway & Haraway, 2005). These findings confirm the need to make ready even brief interventions such as this in an exertion to cut conflict. This could in turn cut stress and increase perceived control and empowerment, which increases job satisfaction. Furthermore this would improve work environment by production it more supportive

All of these programs discussed, offered intervention for at least one aspect of potential stress factors. Reducing corporeal or emotional stress and contribution more control and empowerment while creating a more safe bet working environment are all thriving interventions to increase job satisfaction. Consequently increased job pleasure leads to decreased stress. The results of this study recommend a strong link was identified between the two issues (Ruggiero, 2003).

There is a base thread within all these interventions. They are ready and effective interventions that can be implemented to become a part of nursing convention and other condition care workers in many dissimilar condition care settings. These actual structured group interventions could be more effective to originate a decrease in stress individually. Programs such as these have a proven value and are a simple easy and relatively cheap intervention. contribution them to nurses and other condition care employees could be carefully a deterrent quantum for potential stress.

In increasing these findings substantiate the need for regular stress discount programs to be offered through hospitals and other healing employment organizations. The use of these and similar programs furnish a far reaching benefit for the nursing profession. Anticipatory measures for the discount of stress can increase job satisfaction, potentially increase nursing retention. Goals for these programs could comprise guidance in the stress administration techniques, increase communal support, open communication, role strengthening and empowerment and personel increase to fully use safe bet interventions (Cohen-Katz et al., 2005).

Future studies in programs for stress intervention should comprise additional similar studies offered to a larger sample with long term and ongoing evaluations of their effectiveness. Notice of other alternative adjunct intervention therapies that help in stress discount could be examined such as yoga and mediation. The use of these physically and emotionally stress-reducing techniques may also be effective in stress lessening and coping measures increasing.

It is my hope that in the future interventions to preclude stress in nurses and condition care workers will be offered as a thorough part of a benefit holder within all condition care organizations. Stress prevention can be a win-win situation where everybody will benefit. Nurses will have decreased stress and increased coping mechanism, which will increase job satisfaction. This could lead to increased nurse retention. Subsequently as ensue of this contentment and increased potential of life the nurse will be a superior worker and great able to furnish care for themselves and their patients.

Bormann, J. E., Becker, S., Gershwin, M., Kelly, A., Pada, L., & Smith, T. L. Et al. (2006). relationship of frequent mantram repetition to emotional and spiritual well-being in healthcare workers. The Journal of chronic schooling in Nursing, 37(5), 218-224. Retrieved October 3, 2006, from Ovid data base
Bost, N., & Wallis, M. (2006). The effectiveness of a 15 microscopic weekly massage in reducing corporeal and psychological stress in nurses. Australian Journal of advanced Nursing, 23(4), 28-33. Retrieved September 6, 2006, from Ovid data base
Cohen-Katz, J., Capuano, T., Baker, D. M., & Shapiro, S. (2005). The effects of mindfulness-based stress discount on nurse stress and burnout, part Ii. Holistic Nursing Practice, , 26-35. Retrieved September 27, 2006, from Ovid data base
Haraway, D. L., & Haraway, W. M. (2005). Pathology of the ensue of conflict-management and resolution training on worker stress at a healthcare organization. Hospital Topics: study and Perspectives on Healthcare, , 11-17. Retrieved October 28, 2006, from Ovid data base
McGowan, B. (2001). Self-reported stress and it's effects on nurses. Nursing Standard, 15(42), 33-38. Retrieved September 28, 2006, from Ovid data base
Ruggiero, J. S. (2003). Health, work variables, and job pleasure among nurses. Jona, 35(5), 254-263. Retrieved October 3, 2006, from Ovid data base
Salmond, S. & Ropis, P. E. (2005). Job stress and general well-being: a comparative study of medical-surgical and home care nurses. Retrieved September 28, 2006, from Ovid data base
Upenieks, V. V. (2003). The interrelationship of organizational characteristics of magnet hospitals, nursing leadership, and nursing job satisfaction. condition Care Manager, 22(2), 83-98. Retrieved September 27, 2006, from Ovid data base

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