Thursday, July 26, 2012

How To Eat Fiber and Not Feel Bloated

American Physical Therapy Association - How To Eat Fiber and Not Feel Bloated
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Do you know about - How To Eat Fiber and Not Feel Bloated

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How much fiber do you eat everyday?

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How is How To Eat Fiber and Not Feel Bloated

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from American Physical Therapy Association.

Despite the fact that high fiber diets are encouraged by the American Dietetic Association, the Surgeon general & your general practitioner, the average American typically consumes less than the 20-35 grams per day that is recommended. In truth, we are lucky if we eat 12-15 grams!

Often, high fiber diets are shunned due to fear of increased gas and bloating or bowel disturbance. But, when followed appropriately, a high fiber diet doesn't have to mean flatulence! In fact, eating fiber will help regulate your bowel, aid general detoxification processes, and even encourage wholesome weight maintenance.

According to leading digestive condition author, Brenda Watson, there are certain fiber rich foods, such as the indigestible sugars and starches found in vegetables, grains and legumes that are the many offenders. She explains that these foods are often poorly digested by the body, and instead of being broken down, they will trip to the colon where intestinal bacteria can ferment them. This can follow in the production of intestinal gas which is the cause of the bloating you feel.

So, in order to alleviate such occasional gas & bloating, Brenda suggests that we pay close attentiveness to the types of starches we eat, and if need be use supplemental digestive enzymes to preserve digestion. This is especially leading when starting a higher fiber diet.

When choosing on the right supplement, we are encouraged to look for the following ingredients: Amylase for starch digestion, alpha-galactosidase for the sugars found in beans and legumes, and cellulase which can aid with vegetable fiber.

Ms. Watson shares with us that there are also several causes of gas and bloating that don't implicate fiber as the bad guy:

o Swallowed air - citizen commonly swallow small amounts of air while drinking and eating. Sometimes, an inordinate number of air is swallowed from talking while eating, eating too quickly, or drinking carbonated beverages. This can originate an odorless gas that is high in nitrogen and oxygen, which is commonly emitted straight through belching.

o Processed foods - A steady diet of processed foods can furnish excess gas. Processed foods are typically stripped of requisite nutrients such as chromium manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, and magnesium. Without these nutrients, the body is unable to digest the carbohydrates in these foods properly. These unused carbohydrates end up providing fuel for the production of gas.

o Poor food combining - Brenda Watson explains that fruit, which is digested very fast by the body, should be eaten alone. If eaten with other foods, the digestive process will be slowed, and the fruit can ferment. Following this logic, proteins should also not be eaten at the same time as starchy carbohydrates.

So, by taking a digestive preserve supplement, and addressing the further causes of bloating listed above, one can of course transition to higher quantities of fruit, vegetables and grains in the diet, without the pain & pain associated with high fiber diets.

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