Monday, August 6, 2012

Mature Students - Stress and Challenges of Returning to School

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Mature students face practical and emotional challenges

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How is Mature Students - Stress and Challenges of Returning to School

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Returning to study as an adult, be it after a hiatus of a few years or several decades is a spectacular, opening for personal growth and development. Sometimes, however, it poses singular personal and interpersonal challenges which lead to stress and may interfere with the achievement of schoraly or skill acquisition goals.

It is worth recognizing that there are typical stresses which may sometimes feel threatening or spectacular, and may prompt a mature trainee to seek help or advice. Here is an summary of some of the challenges and issues that a mature trainee might encounter and which might be worth addressing in personal therapy....

Trouble getting started?

Youthful environment re-attaches us to younger self: hopes and fears...memories of early failures drag us down. House of origin issues nearby competition, self-esteem, fear of success, dependence and archaic parental expectations may be revived.

What can you finally do now that you couldn't do then? Daring to try again.
Returning to study because you have to. The emotional fallout of down-sizing, layoff s being fired...marriage break-up.

Psychology of being there... And staying there!

Family pressure to stay in old roles, House heel-dragging and acting out in response to attempted change and development. House feelings of being abandoned originate guilt.

Psychological strain of new perceive and new challenges,

Feelings of inferiority in relation to skills of younger classmates in uneasy aggregate with feelings of superiority nearby own life accomplishments. Strain in group projects which may result. Social isolation from trainee peers... Not fish nor fowl nor good red herring... Feeling both above and below Strain of steep studying curve in the face of technology and study skills which have lain fallow for many years... Can't do your kid's grade seven math anymore... So how to face statistics.

Perfectionism, A very coarse phenomenon which may be serving as a defense and its connection to self-sabotage .. How your perfectionism is getting in your way.

Imposter Syndrome...the symptoms are:

Inablity to internalize a sense of being talented or competent in the face of all objective evidence to the contrary Attributing success to external factors unrelated to ability. Comparing self to others Emphasizing other's strengths and own weaknesses Minimizing other's frailness and own power.


Becoming immobilized by deadlines Avoiding challenges
Demanding perfection and so never fly disappointments Feeling anxiety, fear and depression from pressure to live up to successful image or fear of being exposed as unworthy or incompetent

Philosophical and moral development

Becoming an individual: Psychologist Erik Erikson's later stages of personal improvement start kicking in:

"Generativity vs Stagnation"... Leads to "Integrity vs Despair"

Adult intellectual and moral development: Moral issues nearby taking an individual stand, giving back to the community.

Carol Gilligan on women's moral development: the right of women to deal themselves in to the circle of care and nurture. Not all the time putting other's needs first.

Sandwich generation ... Being a "triple decker" sandwich in fact...with responsibilities to the generation above and below.... As well as responsibility to oneself.

Feeling of vocation ...Feeling a "calling" to do some work is a considerable driver of attempt and sell out but also initially, sometimes hard to account for or express. The existential need or aspiration to express yourself in this singular way and to originate a life which is congruent with your mature values needs validation and support. Luigi Rulla writing on Vocation, argues that the salient divergence between vocation and vocation lies in the fact that vocation is not the expression of self-concept , but rather the expression of the self-ideal. He argues that vocation has much more to do with expression of values than vocation does. It is perfectly potential to pursue a vocation which is well considerable to your abilities and to the potential of the environment but which does not strongly emphasize personal values. There can be at mid-life a re-definition of personal values which is strong enough to provoke an upheaval in vocation trajectory. Vocational callings have the characteristic requirement that the personal values of the aspirant be coherent with those of the domain or the institution. He suggests that ability and skills are outside attributes that can be modified to a essential degree as the aspirant strives to express deep values.

The emphasis on values may lead a vocational aspirant to make personal sacrifices and over-ride general considerations of stability, prestige, status and remuneration. This choice may not be equally valued by others nearby them... And this may cause interpersonal problems.

Practical and corporeal considerations...

Facing corporeal limits: For men and women, the acceptance of, and adjustment to, growing limits and a decreasing power level.

Time management ... Pulling all-nighters not an choice anymore! Need to found alternative strategies.

Networking: Applying the skills, resources and perceive networks of adult life to the scholarly task
Menopause and peri-menopause effects on science of mind and physiology for women.

Not suffering in silence

Many of the challenges outlined above are not restricted to mature students

They are often expectable challenges of adulthood and midlife ...but the added challenge of a return to study may intensify the experiences to the point where they feel spectacular, or bring them to light unexpectedly. Speaking about these matters with a thoughtful friend, a therapist or a counsellor may help to normalize the perceive and may permit you to find realistic and practical ways to solve the problems as they arise.

Returning to study is attractive and also emotionally and psychologically arousing.
Inward turmoil and self-examination may be marked by external manifestations such as increased corporeal and reasoning fatigue which sometimes manifests as mild depression and collective withdrawal, but it is worth noting that study assures us that, even while it feels "destabilizing," returning to study and vocation changes are rational responses to dissatisfaction and unmet needs by well adjusted people!

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